Habitat for Humanity of the Magic Valley needs our help to finish the year strong! They only need 50 more donations of $25 or more to reach their goal and open the doors to some bonus funding. There are also generous donors that are matching donations, so now is the perfect time to compound your gift by donating today. To DONATE, please go to https://www.avenuesforhope.org/p2p/398920/brandon-otte And go to https://habitatmagicvalley.org/avenues-for-hope/ for more information. Please share the link with others and help us spread the word. On behalf of Canyon Springs Golf Course we want to thank this amazing community for their big hearts and generous support in so many ways. Cheers to a safe, health and prosperous 2025! ____________________________________________________________________ Special thanks to our amazing golfing community in the Magic Valley! Thanks to you our fundraiser was a big success! On October 25th we were able to raise $4000 to help support of friends and fellow Americans who were effected by this years hurricanes. We have decided to donate the money raised to Habitat for Humanity in Asheville, North Carolina, where much of the devastation and damage took place. The local Habitat for Humanity in Asheville are on the ground helping people to rebuild and restore homes now, and will continue to be there to help and support for years to come. On behalf of our generous community we have also decided to donate $1000 to our local Magic Valley Habitat for Humanity organization. Canyon Springs and Habitat for Humanity have been partners for many years, most of that relationship stems from the Rim2Rim Run Fundraiser that takes place every year. For years Canyon Springs has been part of the course the participants run on. We look forward to many more years of building that relationship and helping support such a great organization. Thank you so much again for all of your donations and support. It is such a blessing to live in a community that is so generous with their time and money. Lets continue to work together to help and serve our neighbor's near and far... because many hands really do make light work and can change lives. ____________________________________________________________________ CANYON SPRINGS HURRICANE FUNDRAISER Canyon Springs Golf Course wants to invite everyone to help us support our fellow Americans that have been effected by the devastating hurricanes back east. On October 25th golf is on us in the Canyon. Golf will be free to everyone, all that is asked is that you donate something (could be $5 or $1000) to help support those that are so desperately in need of our help. 100% of all the money raised will go to the life saving boots on the ground in all of the hurricane effected areas. You can either put together your own group or just come down that day and we will pair you up with a group. Call down and make your own tee times starting Friday, October 18th. Please help us spread the word by telling all of your friends, family's, churches, schools, clubs, organizations, and sharing it on all of your social media platforms. If you have any questions or just want to make a donation please contact Canyon Springs @ 208-734-7609. Lets step up for our fellow Americans and show them that we love them and that we have their backs. Thank You! Click on the Flyer link below for more information
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