Almost 60 Men's & Ladies association members participated in the Opening Scramble and the weather was fantastic! Chef Billy kicked of the event with one of his signature breakfasts and then the teams headed off to see who would concur the day and be crowed 2021 Scramble Champions. After the dust had settled and the scores were tallied, this years winning team with a score of 58.3 was... Steve Call Sylvia Wood Mitch Wood Kevin Hendrix Congratulations to the Winners! See all the players and winners by clicking on the link at the bottom of this post. EVENT DETAILS: Sunday, March 28th - Men's & Ladies Opening Scramble This event is open to ALL Men's & Ladies Association members. Event Details: Sign-Up/Registration & Breakfast @ 8:00 Shotgun Start @ 9:00 Entry Fee: $20 per player - Includes: Breakfast, Golf, Cart & Payout This event is a lot of fun and a great way to kick off the season! Help us spread the word and gear up for a good time! ![]()
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